By Being Willing, you allow God to Do things in your Life. - a spiritually uplifting article

"God is a God of Love and He does not teach through fear
or use fear in any way."     -- David Nelmes
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You have searched for the term 'creator' at Being Willing, where God is a God of Love that does not teach through fear or use fear in any way.

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Searched for creator Results 21 - 24 of 24, searched 81 documents

21. Will God Ever Forgive You? - a spiritually uplifting article (highlight matches)
...does he. You too are a creator. The only difference between you and...
URL:   Score: 5%   Date: 2016-07-13   Size: 28 kB

22. God Hates Nothing - Spiritual Commentary (highlight matches)
...inspired by God. God is our creator and is not so weak that...
URL:   Score: 5%   Date: -   Size: 16 kB

23. Seeing God For The First Time - a spiritually uplifting article (highlight matches)
...has taught you about God, our creator. Be still and say hello to...
URL:   Score: 5%   Date: 2016-07-13   Size: 37 kB

24. When You Can't Forgive - a spiritually uplifting article (highlight matches)
...hesitation or condition, just like your creator. Our errors in thinking make us...
URL:   Score: 5%   Date: 2016-07-13   Size: 26 kB

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Latest search index update: 2016-07-17 20:45

Thoughts For Daily Living

There is nothing God requires that you do. There is no payment or sacrifice he requires or desires. There is no path to discover by racking your brain in trying to figure out what it is that God would have you do. There is no physical thing in the entire universe that you need to give God or to those who claim they follow God. There is only one thing that God desires from you and that is for you to Be Willing.

  • Be Willing to see clearly.
  • Be Willing to choose differently.
  • Be Willing to set aside what the world has taught you.
  • Be Willing to be what he would have you be.

Your willingness creates an opening in your being that allows the Holy Spirit to Do things. It allows the Holy Spirit to heal you, teach you and guide you. Learn to Be willing and you'll truly see what God Can Do.

- Excerpt from article: In Everything You Do



Seeing God: Perhaps For The First Time

This collection of articles may help you in Seeing God more clearly. The author believes God is a God of love, and his writings express the thought that God is a God of love and that He does not teach through fear or use fear in any way.


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